Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Are you really happy?

I usually read the lastest news on line and it can be quite depressing. There are so many horrible things that happen in this world. I think it is really important to think about the things that make us happy. When your feeling down or sad, its nice to be able to read a list of the things that make you happy. It will put a smile on your face and help you look at the positives in life.

So here is my list of some of the things that make me happy.

Going on holidays or day trips
Mountain walking
Going to the movies
Listening and dancing to music ( yes I have some cool dance moves!)
Reading a great inspirational book
Going to the beach
Drinking a warm drink - hot chocolate or a cappacino
Chocolate ( of course!)
Shopping especially finding lots of bargains or sales
Spending time with hubby and kids
Getting a massage
Eating out at a nice restaurant

Hope you are inspired to think about what makes you happy. Life is too short, so lets focus on the positives and enjoy each day.

What are a few things that make you happy?

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