Selasa, 06 September 2011

The Mum Who Roared by Christie Nicholas - Book Review

We all know that raising children is a beautiful gift and journey to take in life. There are so many joys and happy moments. At the same time though, it can be an overwhelming experience and changes your life from the day you bring your newborn home.

After attending an event, I got a copy of 'The Mum Who Roared' a book written by Christie Nicholas. I absolutely love this book. This book is my new best friend, literally it answers everything I would ask a best friend.

I cannot believe how much I related to this book. I was nodding and agreeing with everything I was reading and I was finding so many great practical tips. I was finding out so much, about things I had questioned or wanted to ask someone, but just didn't. This book is an excellent resource and guide to what you need to know after having a baby, to have control of your life and be true to yourself. This book reassured me that as a mother of two, I can still have a balanced life looking after my children and myself as a woman. The book left me feeling motivated, confident to pursue my passion in life and be a woman who has love and respect for my mind, body and attitude.

The author of The Mum Who Roared, Christie Nicholas, is a mum of two and entrepreneur who runs KidsBusiness a marketing and public relations business. I have briefly met Christie at the events she has organised and she truly is lovely and so inspiring which really comes out in her book as well. Here she is giving us a brief overview of her book.

The Mum Who Roared is definitely a great book for all mothers and mothers-to-be. This book would make a wonderful gift for any woman. You can check out and purchase the book on the, The Mum Who Roared website .

Do you know anyone who would benefit from this book? If your a mother, did you have support to help you when your children were young?

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