Rabu, 21 September 2011

Do what you want - that's what makes you happy!

“A girl should be two things, who and what she wants.”

― Coco Chanel

I love this quote and believe it to be so true. Whatever your dreams and goals are, they are yours and no matter what anyone else thinks, you CAN achieve them. Be yourself and be who and what you, want to be.

Don't worry about what other's might think, especially if they discourage you. You can do it and if you don't do it right, you will only learn from that and be stronger.

I use to think way too much of what other's think. But I have learnt over the years not to, because it's all about who and what I want. I have to be happy with myself, to be able to progress and achieve my goals and dreams.

People will always have their own opinions and that's okay, not everyone is going to agree with you. Doing what makes you the happiest, is what matters!

Do you worry about what others think? Do you agree with this quote?

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