Selasa, 20 September 2011


Hello lovelies! Yesterday when I was watching a new JLO’s video “Papi” (btw, it is on my blog), I suddenly remembered her famous  line from the movie “Wedding Planner”, when JLO’s shoe got stocked in a middle of a road and Matthew McConaughey pushed her away, saving her  from an incoming car. And JLO said:

                                                         “ You saved….. my shoe…” LOL!
I thought it would be a great entrance to my new post about….. of course, about shoes…. I have to share with you my new find –shoes’ illustrations by Eva Marks, fashion designer and talented illustrator. I am so excited to find another shoe fanatic, besides me:-). In her own words Eva says that her illustrations are her own original ideas drawn by hand. She likes the quality of a hand drawn sketch, the freedom to let your imagination flow, go wild and free.
Here is only a few, and I really mean “a few” of her shoellustrations (OK, I just made this word:-)). You can see and appreciate a depth of her love for shoes just by a quick look at her work. And of course, we understand this love, don’t we???:-)

I think I just found my new tattoo:-)

 I am so wowed by these beauties! I really hope you liked them too!
Waiting for your comments and feedbacks and if you have any questions - Ask Erena!

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