Minggu, 24 April 2011

How to not look tired?

We all know that sleep is important for our general well being. An adult should have at least eight hours sleep. However this doesn't always happen so let's talk about a few things we can do in the beauty department to look like we have had sleep - even though we haven't! ( Links are to products I have reviewed)

Using a concealer to cover and conceal the under eye area is going to help brighten up the under eye area. Be sure to apply the concealer under the eye and bring it down in a triangle shape on top of the cheek as well. Blend it all well and then set it with a powder.

Use neutral colours for eyeshadow to keep the eye look simple. If you have a shimmer eyeshadow thats even better as it will add sparkle to your eyes. Mascara is great to make your eyes look open and awake.


Blush is definitely great to give your face some colour and warmth. Go for a peachy or pinky colour as a lighter colour will give your face a glowy look.


Definitely a great lip colour will help give your face a overall great look. You can either use a lipstick or lipgloss, to give your face some colour and gloss ( if using a lipgloss) and the look of freshness.


Adding jewellery to your outfit will definitely brighten up your whole outfit. Necklaces and/or earrings that are bold and colourful will look great.

When choosing your clothes, don't just go for dark colour clothing, but rather add some bright colours to your outfit. Perhaps black pants, red top and a brown jacket. You can also add a scarf (if your not wearing a necklace).

Having your hair up in a ponytail or in a half up do hairstyle will give your face a lift. Having a 'up' style will give your face a open, clean look.

Do you get told you 'look tired'? What do you do to look awake?

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