Rabu, 11 April 2012

Beijing Tai Tai Book review

When I first heard of the book Beijing Tai Tai life, laughter and motherhood in China's capital written by Tania McCartney, I was curiously excited about the book. I have never travelled outside of Austalia, but plan to one day so I love learning more about life in different countries.

Beijing Tai Tai: a collection of shrewdly observed, heartfelt and humorous insights into Beijing expatriate life after Tania was forced to move her family there for four years. It’s a rollercoaster ride of honesty and openness as a mother and wife (tai tai) juggles suburban family life in urban Beijing.

I read this book and loved it. I couldn't put the book down, I just wanted to keep on reading to find out more about the life that Tania and her family were experiencing, living in Beijing.

Tania McCartney found out she would be moving with her husband and two children both under five years of age to Beijing -  she was scared! She didn't know what to expect and so she wrote about the experience in her book Beijing Tai Tai. I love the way Tania wrote this book, it is heartfelt, funny and so real.

A great book that allows the reader to take the journey with Tania and learn about what it was like to live in Beijing and experience the different culture, lifestyle and traditions of the people in China.
She writes about lots of different things, like how she dealt with Ayi (her maid) and her experience of having her hair coloured and how she ate Chinese food.

Tania is an Australian author of children’s books and adult nonfiction. She is an experienced magazine writer and editor, is the founder of respected literary site Kids Book Review and writes for several online websites. She has also been recruited by the National Year of Reading 2012 as state ambassador for the ACT.
You can see more reviews of this fantastic book at the virtual book tour.
Beijing Tai Tai can be purchased online at www.exislepublishing.com.au for $24.99 in paperback or $9.99 as a ebook.

I have one copy of the book Beijing Tai Tai to giveaway to one lucky reader! (CLOSED)
For your chance to win, let me know - where you would like to travel to if you could go anywhere in the world? in the comments below.

Terms and conditions:
1. Open to Australian residents only.
2. Be a follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect
3. This giveaway finishes 4th of May 2012 at 10pm. (AEST)
4. Please ensure that you leave your email, so that I can email you if you are the winner.
****Optional.........(let me know in the coments below if you have done an extra entry)
For an extra entry, 'Like' my facebook page DanniiBeauty

Thanks to everyone who entered!

The winner is


Stay tuned for more great giveaways soon!

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