Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

The Stylish blogger award and the Versatile blogger awards!

In the last week or so I have been awarded awards by four great bloggers!

I have been awarded the Stylish blogger award by  My Best beauty buys , Mei Mei's Beauty Blog and Life's Visual Journal.

Thankyou so much for thinking of me and I really feel honored that I have received an award.

I definitely recommend to all my readers that you all check out these three fantastic blogs, they are all so unique and fantastic.

The second award is the Versatile blogger award, and this was awarded to me by Msglitterazzi . Thank you so much and I definitely recommend you check out her fantastic blog.

The rules to these awards are:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post
  • Tell us seven things about yourself
  • Award 7 recently discovered new bloggers
  • Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award.
Here are a few things about me:

1. I have always wanted (and still do!) to work as a TV presenter. ( Instead I have worked the last thirteen years in a public service job)
2. I love reading. When I was a teenager, I read over 50 books in a year.
3. I am a very organised person and punctual ( 99% of the time)
4. I love anything colourful and creative, I find it inspires me.
5. I collect fridge magnets.
6. I was born in Australia, and have never travelled outside of Australia ( but really want to, hopefully in the next few years)
7. My favourite movie of all time is Maid in Manhattan, love the message in the movie ' that anyone can do it, just keep on trying.'

I am awarding the Stylish blogger award to these amazing bloggers:

Love Vulcanella
Miss Sensuous
Jess  - missjshopaholic
Miss LV
Bluestars Makeup blog
An obsession with the fabulous

I am awarding the Versatile blogger award to these amazing bloggers:

A dose of dannie
Greenway Stuff and Things
This mid 30's life
Feather and Nest
Candy apples
Annika's little world
Everyone wants this

Each and every blogger out there is so unique and your blogs are all wonderful. Keep up the great work!

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