Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Ajanta Caves, Ajinṭhā Maharashtra India

The Buddhist holy site known as the Ajanta Caves were carved out of the stone mountain near Aurangabad, India. About 32 monuments with vast rooms were carved right out of volcanic basalt with ancient tools from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD.

Great paintings with perspective and realism devices were painted into plaster centuries before Europe's great artists. Intricate relief sculptures were cut from the rock in the Viharas that housed the monks. Enormous Chaityas were cut into the mountainside, with crossbeams, columns, and a layout that would later be seen in Christian cathedrals.

The stunning caves were rediscovered in 1819 by John Smith. The advanced stonework and colorful artistry are still very well preserved today.

More Info and Images , Slideshow

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